Websites and Google Forms QR Codes

To help make it quicker and easier for you to find important school-related websites and notify us of various things such as a child's absence, a change of address, food allergies etc we have created some QR codes to take you directly to the correct webpage or Google Form.


Please see the attached posters with the QR codes for:



Westlands Primary School


Parent Pay

Student Internet Portal


Google Forms:

Collection Consent

Change of Details (phone, address, email etc)

Reporting a pupil absence

Apply for Free School Meals

Food Allergies/Dietary Needs

Child Leaving Westlands Primary

Short-Term Medication

Long-Term Medication


We hope you will find this new way of communicating with us quick and easy, but if you do require any assistance then please do not hesitate to call us on 01795 470862.