Computing Scholars Day gave some of our Key Stage 2 pupils the opportunity to explore their coding and computer-aided design skills.
Westlands Primary School is a creative learning environment where all children are supported to aim high and achieve their best
Welcome to Westlands Primary School. We are an exciting, forward looking, and innovative school.
Our children are hard-working, enjoy a challenge and love to learn. We provide a huge array of activities for children to broaden their experiences which you will be able to see through our news and updates. Working in partnership with parents, carers and other key members of the community we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all.
If you want to find out about what we are learning please have a look at our ‘year group’ pages. Paper copies are available on request from the school office.
The website is regularly updated so come back again soon to keep up to date with everything that is going on here at Westlands Primary School!
Victoria Pettett, Headteacher
Please see this weeks attendance poster!
We made blackberry jam this week and ate it on toasted crumpets. The blackberries grew in our own Forest School in August last year. We just added sugar and lemon to them before the mixture bubbled over the fire.. It was delicious!
Please see this weeks Wake up Wednesday poster!
Last week we were very noisy with hammers. On Monday, the wind was too strong and we had to stay inside for our Forest School session. Mrs Cresswell taught us how to use the hammers safely and we made some cute little hedgehogs, using the wood we split the week before.
Please see our attendance poster for last week!
In EYFS we have been reading the story of The Gingerbread man. We have enjoyed acting out the story and taking it in turns to play the Gingerbread man. We were very lucky to be invited to the school kitchen to make our very own Gingerbread men. The lovely ladies helped us to weigh the ingredients...
Please see our attendance Weduc!
The children in Year 3 learned how to saw wood and split it this week. They used a bow-saw, mallet and billhook safely. Mrs Cresswell, our Forest School Leader was impressed how well they followed her instructions. Mrs Oswald had a lesson too, when Joselyn helped her with the sawing.
Jellyfish Class has had an amazing start to Term 3! Jellyfish Class have been lucky enough to participate in Forest School and Cooking over the past few weeks and the children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. In Forest School, the children have been exploring the area and finding all...
Please see below Wake up Wednesday poster