School News

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  • 15/07/24

    Flamingo Class Update

    Over the past term, the children have learnt about Light and Shadows. They have looked at how shadows are formed and how light travels. Through investigations, the children explored various materials which were transparent, translucent or opaque. Flamingo Class had an amazing Science lesson where th...
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  • 15/07/24

    Attendance Newsletter

    Please see below attendance poster for last week! 
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  • 05/07/24

    Attendance Newsletter

    Please see below attendance newsletter!
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  • 05/07/24

    Forest School

    Elephant and Giraffe Class made bunny Ears this week. We used wood slices and paracord which the Year 6 assistants prepared by drilling holes into wood slices and sealing the paracord ends over the fire. The second group of Penguin Class had their first session on Thursday and they remembered o...
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  • 05/07/24

    Year 1

    Year 1 have had a snack-tastic week as part of their Design & Technology learning. The children have taste-tested various salad food items in order to plan, design and make a light lunch meal. We have learnt safe cutting techniques and discussed how to prepare food hygienically.  As part of...
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  • 03/07/24

    Wake up Wednesday

    Please see this weeks Wake up Wednesday poster! 
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  • 28/06/24

    Weekly Attendance

    Please see attached our weekly attendance poster!
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  • 28/06/24

    Forest School

    It was hot this week, however in the shade of our trees we managed to stay cool. Year 2 learned how to use a hacksaw and a palm drill and made elderwood bracelets. Elephant Class made extra rooms for the den, their working party showed real teamwork skills. It cooled down a bit on Thursday for Pengu...
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  • 26/06/24

    Wake up Wednesday

    Please see attached the Wake up Wednesday poster this week!
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  • 24/06/24

    Weekly Attendance

    Please see Weekly attendance poster! 
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  • 21/06/24

    Year 4

    Wow! What an amazing week we have had in Peacock Class! On Tuesday, we attended an Ancient Egyptian workshop, right here in school! We got dressed up as ancient Egyptians, complete with make-up! Then, we took turns to take part in 8 wonderful activities all of which were part of daily life in anc...
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  • 20/06/24

    Bushcraft - Group 2

    Group 2 of our residential children also had an amazing first day yesterday! Like Group 1, they spent their evenings making their own burgers and corn on the cob!  They then had the chance to play some games in the woods, build a den and also make s'mores! This morning we had some...
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