Year R 'Stay and Play' - Face Coverings

In view of the Government's updates regarding Covid19, we are still planning to go ahead with the Year R 'Stay and Play' sessions this week but we are asking all parents and carers to wear a face covering whilst on site, as you now would for entering a shop or travelling on public transport.
We will have senior members of staff on the entrance doors with antibac hand gel for you to use, and they will be able to give you a mask to wear should you forget to bring one with you.
We hope you will understand why we are asking all visitors to take these precautions, so that we can continue with our events whilst helping to stop the spread of Covid19 and keep our school community safe.
Squirrel Class on Thursday 2.15pm-3.15pm
Hedgehog Class on Friday 2.15pm-3.15pm