EYFS Forest School

EYFS Forest School
The children learnt how to use a ‘bow saw’ this week; they cut their own piece of wood (wood cookie) and then drilled a hole using a palm drill. They decorated the wood cookie and attached a string to make a necklace.
Each week the children have been practising their swing techniques under the oak tree. They have developed the confidence to swing from different levels and use their core muscles to pull themselves further up the rope. They have been very good at managing their own safety in keeping with our forest school rules and built a boundary line to ensure everyone around them is also safe whilst they are swinging.
We have also enjoyed picking our forest fruits today ‘strawberries and raspberries’. Without the help from our friend Mr Jeffreys, we certainly would not be enjoying these juicy fruits! We would like to send him a huge thank you and hopefully next year we can make you some jam!