Term 3 Information

Happy New Year to all of our school families; we hope you all enjoyed the festivities, and we are looking forward to hearing all about it when the children return to school tomorrow.
Here is a reminder of the drop-off/collection times (all doors open at 8:30am)
Years R, 3, 4, 5 and Leopard Class: Lessons start at 8:40am and dismissal is at 3:10pm
Years 1, 2 and 6: Lessons start at 8:45am and dismissal is at 3:15pm
Curriculum Newsletters will be published later on this week and they will include details of swimming and PE days for the term. However please note that there will be no swimming until next week (w/c Monday 9th January).
Don't forget to book your child into any extra-curricular after-school clubs that they might like to attend. These will run from Monday 9th January until Friday 3rd February 2023. Booking is made by making payment for the club on Parent Pay.
If your child is going to have a school dinner but is not entitled to means tested free school meals or universal infant free school meals, please don't forget to book and pay for their lunch on Parent Pay in advance.
We look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.