Year 1, Term 3 Update

Wow - what an incredible dinosaurus-tastic term!
Year 1 worked so hard and enjoyed some amazing stories from the poetic ‘Dinosaur Roar’ to writing letters to a T-Rex in ‘Dear Dinosaur.’
In Maths we’ve developed our understanding of Place Value to 20 and practised addition and subtraction within 20. We use practical equipment to help us work out the calculations.
In Science we have started learning about the wonderful world of animals. We’ve learnt that animals can be put in groups, like mammals and birds; we’ve learnt that some animals are carnivores or herbivores or that they eat meat and plants and are called omnivores.
We’ve developed our understanding of the past through learning about the inspiring Mary Anning who found fossils like the incredible ichthyosaur kept in the National History Museum.
We talked about finding clues to learn about the past, like archaeologists do. Of course we learnt that humans were not alive at the same time as dinosaurs!
In music, we’ve learnt some super dinosaur songs, developed our skills playing instruments and practised our super dance moves to the ‘Dinosaur Stomp’!