Year 3 - Term 5 Update
Year 3 has had an excellent start to Term 5.
They began their week learning all about the importance of The Easter Story with Christianity. They then developed their knowledge and understanding about the Sikh religious building, The Gurdwara.
Within English, Year 3 has been developing an adventure story based upon the Coronation of King Charles III. They learnt some key facts about what a Coronation is, where this ceremony will be taking place and who the Queen Consort is.
We are excited to read their own creative stories about what will happen on the day of the Coronation. Ideas so far have included a stolen crown and the throne becoming an ejector seat!
During our Maths lessons, we have been learning all about mass, volume and capacity. The children have been able to identify various volumes on a scale and also compare masses between grams and kilograms.
In our reading lessons, we have been discussing our new book, The Stone Age Boy. The children have predicted what they think has happened to the boy and also why the author has used certain techniques, such as repeated words, within the text.