Year 5 Update

Since returning in September, Year 5 have settled well into their classes. They have learnt many new skills, and been able to apply these within their work
Since returning in September, Year 5 have settled well into their classes. They have learnt many new skills, and been able to apply these within their work. As an example, they can now use expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials within their writing.
Within maths lessons, pupils have learnt about the rules of Roman Numerals and can identify these within their learning. They have also learnt how to represent answers to calculations through using arrays.
Within our Science Day, Year 5 engaged in learning about Inheritance and Evolution. They enjoyed learning about Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and how this theory is still used today. To prove this theory, the children planned The Finches experiment! Have a look at the images below.
During Art, we have been looking at the artist William Morris. We created our own pattern styles based on his design and notion of repetitiveness. The children designed their drawing and then, using tracing paper, repeated the template pattern to fill a page.
An amazing example of this is shown here!
Our topic this term is all about the Mayans and the history of this wonderful civilization. As well as gaining a broad understanding of knowledge about who the Mayans were and what they invented, we will also be looking at Mayan Gods and how religion played a big part in the world they created and developed.