At Westlands Primary School we aim to provide an engaging and exciting curriculum which is built on the foundations of a clear approach to the development of both spoken and written language.
We aim to engage our pupils in deep learning experiences across the curriculum through a clear progression of skills and knowledge coupled with strong links across curriculum subjects and varied learning experiences through enrichment opportunities.
We have a clear approach to the teaching and learning of core subjects, we follow power Maths for maths lessons and have a clear sequence of learning for English lessons. The children are immersed in high quality texts that are linked to their termly topic.
The foundation subjects are taught through clearly sequenced topics that are matched to the interests of the children.
Our curriculum has a clear approach to supporting pupil well-being and providing children with life skills that will help them when they move onto secondary school. We are very lucky to have an on site forest school led by qualified forest school leaders, a swimming pool where children are taught to swim from year 2 - 6 by a qualified swimming teacher and we provide termly food technology lessons.
Curriculum overviews for each year group can be found on the year group webpages.
Please click on each subject to read our curriculum intent and skills progression documents.