Pupil Premium
Help our school to help your child
Any child who has been entitled to free school meals at any time during the last six years will attract Pupil Premium funding to the school.
If you are eligible for Pupil Premium funding it gives your child so much more than free school meals! This funding of £1300 per eligible child is in addition to the regular school budget and is used to provide additional support, experiences and resources for the children. Benefits to the children include subsidised school trips, subsidised breakfast club places and a subsidised after school club. No one will know that your child receives this funding unless you tell them. The school keeps this information strictly confidential.
Free School Meals
Although all KS1 children automatically receive a free school meal it is still vital for all parents/carers who get any means-tested benefits listed below to apply for free school meals. We will be given extra funding which we can use to support individuals and help with your child's education. You are likely to be eligible for Pupil Premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:
Means Tested Benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit only, provided your annual household income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Call into the office for a form or follow this link.
If you are entitled then completing an application form now will also help to ensure free meals continue when your child goes from Year 2 to Year 3.
Further details on the spending of this grant can be found on the Pupil Premium Spending Plan.