
Many animals are born with the ability to swim, but humans must learn before being able to swim with ease. Some people never learn how to swim, which often causes them to fear water. Learning to swim is important for several reasons, and mastering this skill at a young age can benefit you throughout your life.

Personal Safety
An obvious reason for learning how to swim is to acquire the ability to survive in water. At one time or another, you are bound to find yourself in or near water, whether you're on a cruise, boating trip, fishing or lounging by a pool with friends. If the water is deeper than your height, and you find yourself in it, knowing how to swim could save your life. Through learning basic lifesaving skills at an early age, children will be able to perform safe self-rescue, or if helping others, seek help if it is not safe to provide support themselves.


Most doctors agree that swimming is a healthy form of exercise. It requires you to use many of the muscles in your body, is for building strength and endurance and is beneficial for your metabolism and cardiovascular system. The water provides a natural resistance when you are swimming, while also making the activity less strenuous on your body. Water, in most cases, also provides a natural cooling element for the body.

The pleasure of being able to spend time in the water is very important. A swim in the pool or in the ocean on a hot summer day can help you feel relaxed and physically fit. The water is a suitable way to be social with friends through activities such as surfing, water skiing or jet skiing. These exciting activities are difficult to enjoy without the knowledge of swimming.